Inaugural Walk to Defeat Lyme
May 2, 2011,
Joy Walker and Rebeccah Smith, co-facilitators of the chapter along with the members of their Walk Committee, did an outstanding job organizing this event and bringing it to fruition. Joy Walker, NatCapLyme director summed up the day by saying:
“Thanks so much to everyone who attended, supported, and participated in Saturday’s first-ever Walk to Defeat Lyme Disease! We had outstanding turn-out, including over 50 onsite registrations, taking the total number of walkers to over 225!
Early estimates are that we earned $10,000 or more in cash from all the registrations and corporate sponsorships. We literally presented a sea of lime green at Mount Trashmore which easily filled the area near and between both picnic shelters. We thank all our Walk participants for coming out and telling the world how much Lyme patients and their families care about protecting our communities from tick-borne disease!”
We thank all our sponsors, volunteers, chapter members, donors, walk participants, the City of Virginia Beach, our security officers, the Michigan Lyme Disease Association for advice and guidance, and our family and friends for making this Walk an overwhelming success! See you next year!