Jump on Lyme Disease

May 21, 2012,

My son, Weston, and I inspired an awareness event called “Jump On Lyme Disease”. It is to occur this coming Monday, May 21. All three “jumping” facilities in Loudoun County have agreed to participate in this charity event. They are: Sports Bounce, Jumping Jack Sports and Rebounderz. They have agreed to give percentages of the entrance fee to the National Capital Lyme Disease Association for every person who comes in and says ,”I’m here to Jump On Lyme Disease”. As you can see on the attachment flyer, Sports Bounce and Jumping Jack Sports are expecting participants from 5:30 -7:00 pm. The other location, Rebounderz, is from 6:00-8:00 pm. This is a fun way for our families to fight back Lyme. Who doesn’t like to jump on moon bounces and trampolines?

Keep in mind, this is a different type of charity event. It is for us. It is for you and your community. It is for the health of your family and the family that lives next door to you. We must fight as ONE to stop this disease from victimizing our family and friends. This fight against Lyme disease is for every one of us who lives in this infested county.

I’m praying that you will help me get the word out about this awareness event “Jump on Lyme Disease”. If you have any “email group” of friends, please take time to send out this information. If Lyme disease has not affected them or someone they know, it’s only a matter of time until another friend will be diagnosed.

It is a change in everyone’s schedule, but can we lay down our schedule and make a concentrated effort to make a difference? Remember, you don’t have to stay the entire time. Come to one of the “Jump On Lyme Disease” locations. Show your support. Let your child “JUMP on Lyme Disease” and have a good night sleep afterwards. You’ll sleep well too, knowing you made a difference and perhaps you’ll sleep well because you “JUMPED on Lyme Disease” too! If it is absolutely too hard to change your schedule, please consider donating to the National Capital Lyme Association on their website.

Thanks goes to these jumping locations for contributing a portion of the admission fees to the National Capital Lyme Disease Association when you arrive tell them you are there to JUMP ON LYME!


Tickula is back and on the loose!